1 John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon, the second in the series, 1 John 1:5-6, teaches that God is light, and those that walk in darkness have no fellowship with Him: “The message that Paul heard and declared unto his readers, that God is light, came from the Son of God. It is Jesus Who declared God’s true nature, which was also made visible through His walk on the earth. It was therefore that relationship that John had with Jesus Christ, that revealed to him the true nature of God, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

“Not only is God defined by the apostle as light, He is also revealed in scripture as Spirit and love. By these three descriptive revelations of God, it is possible to see the great glory of His divine nature and the primary components which make it up, which are Spirit, light, and love.

“All that is holy, good, benevolent, merciful, forgiving, and loving is contained in this simple axiom that God is light. From light also comes all that can be conceived as life in the universe. Light is the very source of life, without which it could not exist. It is also neither remarkable nor coincidental that the God Who is Himself divine light, brought into the universe material light as an emblem of Himself.

“Since God is light in every respect, then it is not reasonable that He would maintain fellowship with darkness on any level. A truly good and honorable man would never befriend nor share intimate fellowship with evil men, and the same can be said even more so concerning a holy God. And just as God instructs those who believe on Him, to depart and have no fellowship with darkness, it is unreasonable to believe that He would do, what He commands His people never do.

“Simply because it is incompatible that a God, Who is Himself pure light, would maintain any fellowship with darkness. He will not, and John wants to make this abundantly clear that God will never fellowship nor maintain communion with darkness of any kind.

“Either there is a disconnect and a contradiction in what the Word of God reveals sin is, or in the people who sin yet claim relationship with God. No doubt the error lies not in scripture, but in those who will do their best to try and change the very description of good and evil, and/or light and darkness. Sinners thus who have chosen not to abide in what is good and holy, will seek to change it to fit their own carnal lusts and fallen nature. So that if men will not abide by the truth, then they will soon seek to change in others’ minds, what truth is.

“It is also a sign of hypocrisy when men claim to know God but in works deny Him, when any profess Jesus Christ as their Lord but do not what He says, and when there is an honoring of God with the lips but the person’s heart and behavior is far from God. Therefore, very early in John’s epistle we see one of his main objectives, which is to refute the erroneous claims of those both in and out of the church, who walked in darkness yet professed they maintained relationship with God. This is contrary to the message that John heard from Jesus Christ Who Himself represented the light of God. Practically, if any man thinks differently, he has set himself as a rival to Christ.”

Broadcast live on 01/08/2023