1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon, the third in the series, 1 John 1:9-2:7, examines forgiveness of sin: “Forgiveness of sin, without exception in scripture, in every age, and every generation, demands that confession of sin precedes it. Hence, if a man desires divine forgiveness for his sins against God, then he must openly confess them, and not deny their existence.

“For forgiveness and pardon, therefore, there must be acknowledgement of the wrong done, and a genuine desire to not do it again. So that if men are willing to turn away and depart from their sin, then God will eventually and completely remove all previous sin done by them.

“Because God is faithful, provided there is genuine and sincere confession of sin, then God’s promise to sinners is  twofold: 1. There is a promise of forgiveness, 2. There is a promise of complete and thorough removal of sin.

“God’s faithfulness to His people is also seen throughout scripture, in that He will not let them be tempted above that which they are able, and will likewise protect those called to Himself, from the evil one. Where sin, temptation, and the evil one is, then God’s faithfulness is the strong abiding force that prohibits men from being completely overtaken by sin and its deceptive nature.

“Where forgiveness provides for separating sin from the sinner, cleansing entails its complete removal. Once the Lord provides forgiveness and cleansing for sin, it cannot, nor ever will surface unless it is returned to and  committed again. Hence, if a man sincerely, genuinely, and deeply regrets and repents for his sin, then God will honor His promise to forgive him and cleanse him from all unrighteousness.

“Whenever there is a denial of sin, it will be simultaneously observed that God’s Word does not live in a man. By this it is easy to discern whether sin has been either confessed or denied. Denial of sin and truth are set in contrast one to another, in order that men may know that to embrace one will exclude the presence of the other. Whenever then the truth of God’s Word resides in men, then confession of their sin will follow. But if sin is denied, and a man will not agree with God that he is a sinner, then there will not be any true relationship nor affection for the truth. Since none can truly and genuinely hold the truth in his heart, love its purity, rejoice in its message, and not confess the sin that lives within himself.

“It is also both right and righteous that God is greatly displeased with sinners, and men should not try and diminish the truth that God’s anger exists towards all who transgress His laws. By Jesus Christ taking the place of the sinner and receiving divine judgment for him, God deems the penalty for sin has been met, and justice satisfied.

“Just as through one man’s (Adam’s) disobedience many were made sinners, so also through Jesus Christ’s obedience shall many be made righteous. Consequently, there will be many, a vast amount, an innumerable number of previous sinners, who shall, with utmost certainty, be made righteous through the Son of God. The only question is, who are these blessed souls, to whom God’s righteousness shall be imparted?

“For the second time the apostle reveals whom God reveals as liars. 1. If men refuse
to confess themselves as sinners. 2. If there is a claim and a false assumption of knowing God, yet the claimers do not keep His commandments. He thus who denies the presence of sin in himself is a liar, even as he who claims to know God, but does not keep His commandments, has also by divine revelation been marked out by God as a liar.

“If God’s Word is kept by His people, then God’s own love will be perfected in them. Love is a fruit of the Spirit and all who are truly led by it will manifest this fruit in their lives. It is also the increase and expansion of the love of God in the Christian’s heart, that causes him to know that he is in God, and God in him. Ultimately, love and obedience cannot be separated. This is also why whenever there is an absence of divine love, no real obedience to God exists.

“If any claim relationship with Jesus Christ, they should strive to walk as He walked. The standard for the Christian’s behavior is therefore seen in his Savior. It is through Christ that he has been born again, given a new heart, and become a completely new creature. When a man seeks to walk as Christ walked he will, like the Lord, be about the Father’s business, be willing to humble himself to serve the needs of others, follow Christ’s example of being meek and lowly in heart, lose his life to God, and ultimately fulfill the great commission.

“When men become imitators of Jesus Christ, they prove themselves as true followers of God.”

Broadcast live on 01/22/2023