1 John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon, the fifth in the series, 1 John 2:19-24, examines the difference between apostates who leave the faith and of true believers in Christ: “They went out from us, but they were not [ever] of us is solid proof that those who depart from the faith, were never really of it. Apostates for a time can and will remain with true believers, but there must come a time when their false professions of faith becomes manifest. Impure motives while in religion are not enough to keep men faithful to it their entire lives. Like with Judas, though he walked with the Lord Jesus for a number of years, the truth is he never truly was subject to Him.

“By the Lord allowing the departure of those who once labeled themselves as Christians, the influence they once had, or could have had in the true church of Christ, is greatly diminished. Practically speaking, when men depart from Christ, Whom they once professed to follow, all real authority to influence others remaining loyal to Him ends. To understand apostasy properly, one needs to know that 1) Those who leave the faith were once considered part of the church. They took on the habits of conversion but were never truly converted. 2) God allows departure, so that the pretenders might be fully known, resulting in removing much confusion as to what true faith really is. 3) By the counterfeit believer’s exodus, the church is more able to grow in the divine qualities of love and spiritual unity. When schism is removed, if even undetected by most, then harmony and peace is more freely enabled to flourish in Christ’s true church.

“There are but two forms of government that men can choose to align themselves with. The first is that government, which the god of this world, Satan, sets the parameters of how men can live while in it. In this worldly institution much freedom is promised, whereby men can not only live as they will, with no judgment, but are actually encouraged to embrace self-will and self-government. In Satan’s world self-love and self-will are much more preferred than love for God, and subjection to divine will. Those who love the world, and are willing to depart from the faith for it, ultimately reveal themselves as preferring human government, or the government of self, man, and Satan, over the heavenly rule of God.

“It is this standard of leaving all to follow Christ, which is the true test of discipleship. It is a standard which Jesus Christ Himself set, and should not be lowered by men, who themselves have not enough love for divine things, to keep it. To be saved by the Son of God, then a man must be willing to leave everything for Him.

“In contrast to those who were never true followers of Christ and depart from the fellowship of the godly, are true saints, who have as a gift from God, the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

“There are two distinct elements in recognizing Jesus Christ’s true person. 1)That He is God’s appointed Ruler of the world, in the form of the Messiah. 2) That His right to rule the world stems from His unmistakable relationship with God, as God’s only begotten Son.

“To not recognize these two truths, is to be anti-Christ. It is therefore not nearly enough to know Jesus as a mere historical figure. This is insufficient for salvation. Because to be saved by God, the power, authority, right, and supremacy of the Son of God must be both believed in, and submitted to.

“To deny the Son is to deny His authority over your life. It is to not submit to His Word, and not follow His person. It is to foolishly believe that we can be saved by God, without yielding to His Son. Yet, there are none who deny the Son, who have any true relationship with the Father. In the Son, God has made Himself known; consequently, to reject and/or deny Him, is to reject the very One Whom God had sent to reconcile sinners unto Himself.

“When there is an acceptance of the Son of God, and genuine belief in His heavenly identity, then it is certain that true relationship with God has begun. Reception of Christ also has as its reward, being given power by Him, to  become a Son of God. Through Christ, and Christ alone, are men made to become sons of God themselves, and by  his it can be said that they hath the Father.

“Once made a son of God, a person must remain loyal to His calling for true fellowship to be maintained with both the Father and Son. There is no place in scripture, nor should any think it can be found, which allows for unfaithfulness, after conversion. He who has been made a son of God through Christ, must maintain both belief and obedience to Christ’s words and Christ’s Spirit, in order for fellowship with God to be continued. There is no second renewal, nor another regeneration that God can provide for any who when once exposed to the Holy Spirit, walk away from it and return to their previous course of living. This is also why there is no such thing as once a Christian, always a Christian, if Christ’s words and His authority over the soul, is abandoned. To make Jesus Christ Lord of your life, is to make Him the ultimate authority in it; consequently, to desert from His rule, is to forfeit the salvation offered by Him.”

Broadcast live on 02/19/2023