1 John 2:8 “Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon (read by Dr. Holly O’Dell), the fourth in the series, 1 John 2:8-18, teaches about light and love:

“Though love was spoken of previously in scripture it was not fully manifested nor could be truly comprehended until the coming of God’s only begotten Son. That which makes John’s commandment new, is directly related to the divine love that led to Christ’s laying down His life for the brethren. It was this extension and depth of love, whereby One would be willing to die for others’ sins that revealed the true essence of love.

“Life is the most precious thing a man has. In fact, it is all he really has, and is his most precious possession. To give it up is to give all that one has. It therefore is this manner of love, of being willing to lay down our lives for the brethren (if not unto death, then surely in life) that those who claim relationship with the Son of God are commanded to walk in.

“Hate blinds; it does not enlighten. Ultimately, if it is not love that motivates religious movement, and love also that manifest’s itself towards the holy brethren, then religion is false, and the profession of possessing true faith is

“It is also not uncommon among sinners, to outwardly lie as to their true relationship with God, where a profession of relationship with God is stated, yet no true obedience to His divine law is desired. Men are liars, and nowhere is this visible more than when sinners claim acceptance by God, though their lives evidence everything contrary to divine law. 

“In true Christian religion, there is no substitute for love. It is heralded as greater than even faith and hope. Love is what God is, and none can claim true relationship with Him, who do not possess it.

“So great is the divine commandment to love that when men walk in it, practice it daily, and pursue its expansion in their lives, then this fulfills God’s will for their life. Love is the fulfilling of divine law. This is why if a man truly desires to do God’s will in his life, then he should pursue walking in the very nature God is.

“Thus if it is truly love that rules a man, forms his character, and is the underlying force behind all his decisions, then it is not timidity but boldness that will fill him when Christ returns to judge the world.

“Where previously the apostle warned of the danger of hate, now it is the ever-present danger of loving the world and those things in it. He who loves the world cannot in any true measure or sense love God, and he who loves God must forsake any love or affection he might have for the world. It is thus clearly stated, and should not be debated, that all love for the world, practically nullifies any true love for the heavenly Father.

“It is important for men to know, that to reject Christ’s lordship, is by itself a form of Antichrist. Hence, to not submit to Christ’s rule, reveals a rejection of His government, and resistance to the overall authority God has given His Son. It is God’s right to transfer authority to whom He wills, and His will is that His Son, shall reign forever.”

Broadcast live on 02/05/2023