1 John 3:20 “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon, the seventh in the series, 1 John 3:20-4:12, explains the importance and benefit of keeping God’s commandments: “Whatever a man thinks he knows of his sin, because God is greater, God knows more and could prosecute and bring charges, exceeding even what the human heart and conscience recognizes as sin. Consequently, to maintain both peace and fellowship with God, there can be no hiding or indulging in sin, especially so in the heart. Wherever sin is, it must be confessed, and dealt with in order for a man to maintain trust in God. A condemning heart does nothing to inspire greater confidence and trust in the Lord and His ability to come to our aid; in fact, it does quite the opposite.

“The condition of the heart greatly effects a man’s faith and trust in God. To properly grow and develop in faith, we must so live that our heart does not accuse us of sin, but rather commends us for living rightly before the Lord.4 Though it is not known by most, a good conscience is as critical to true piety, as love and faith are. Possessing these three godly characteristics is the ultimate end of God’s will for the Christian.

“If our faith or love is insincere and has no real depth in it, our conscience will inform us of such. Hence, the conscience plays a very key and important role in leading our soul to God’s salvation, by exposing if insincerity exists, or our faith and love towards God is pure.

“How foolish is it to believe that any can live as they will, sin as they desire, and God will still hear them. The truth is that God will not hear, nor come to the aid of any who regard iniquity in their heart. If men then embrace sin, they should not think that they will be heard of God.

“Sinners therefore should never be so presumptuous to believe that by deliberately walking in sin, that God will still hear them in their time of need. This is the truth of God’s Word: absent repentant prayer that acknowledges sin and does not defend and attempt to hide it from God, a sinner’s pleas will not be heard. For God to hear men, they must keep His commandments and do those things pleasing in His sight. It is only by living this way, that they can be sure that all asked of God will be granted.

“Belief in the Son of God and love for the brethren are therefore eternally bound. To obey one, will lead to embracing the other. Just as disregarding one, ensures that there can be no true possession of the other. This teaches us that whenever there is true belief in Jesus Christ, there will always be love for those born of Him. Hence, whenever there is sincere faith in the Savior, there will be corresponding love for His brethren.

“For the true Christian, God is much more than simply around him, He is in all respects now living within him. The true church of Christ is not formed when men enter churches, but rather when the Father and Son, enter them.

“Antichrists are at their core, worldly. It is the world they are of, the world they will speak of, and those of the world who will hear them. This teaches us that whom a man hears, listens to, and enjoys the company of, reveals whom he is really of. If it is the world, then he is of it; if it is God, then he is of Him.

“The Christian’s call through Jesus Christ is to come out and separate himself from the world. If this is not done, and a man believes that he can straddle the fence between love for God and love for the world, then it is certain that true love for the Father does not exist.

“Love therefore is the primary test to determine whom God has saved and made His sons, and whom He has not. This is why there is no such thing as a true Christian, if divine love is lacking in them. Even as those who lack love do not hold any true knowledge of God. Love is therefore that quality that reveals both being born of God, and coming to know a genuine knowledge of Him. Because God is love, He will birth children that manifest the very essence of Himself. If a man then has God’s love lacking in him, you can be sure he has never been born again, by God. There is also nothing that will give a man more confidence that he is of the truth, than when God’s love abounds both in his heart and his life.

“The timing of when God sent Jesus Christ to die for sin, reveals the undeniable goodness that dwells in God. Before then men ever developed love for God, God loved them. Many a man also has wondered why God would absolve him of sin. The answer is because goodness and generosity are the essence of God’s holy character. Consequently, it was not because men deserved Christ dying for their sin, but rather that they were in need of compassion, lest they die in their sins. 

“By divine and benevolent love is the reality of God revealed to His people.”

Broadcast live on 03/19/2023