1 John 5:13 “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores the Apostle John’s first epistle in a series titled Am I Born of God. This sermon, the ninth in the series, 1 John 5:13-21, closes out the epistle of 1 John with a final warning against idolatry: “If Christ is possessed, then a man will know that there is something dwelling within him, apart from his physical and material makeup, which has its origin in God. This is also, the reason why the gospel should be preached today, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, be declared to the world. Because only through Him, can men be both given, and come to practically know that God’s eternal life is theirs. To therefore preach Christ and make Him known, is to preach that precious gift of spiritual regeneration. It is to reveal the wonderful revelation that God’s eternal life can be found in the One sent to declare Him to the world.

“It is not enough to merely believe upon Jesus Christ for a moment, or a brief period of time; to do this offers no sure hope of gaining the life offered through Him. True faith is an enduring faith, which shall always manifest
itself as genuine by remaining faithful to God once it has begun. In reality, there is no such thing as a temporal or momentary faith that will save men. As both belief in the Son of God and subjection to His lordship, must continue until this earthly life is over, or we are received into heaven by Him.

“A practical point which encourages faith in God is focusing not on the specific petition, but on the Lord Himself. It is therefore by trusting in the Lord, and not simply our specific petition, that provides the best way to keep our hearts at peace, until such time that our needs are met. Understandably, no faith can really be developed in God, by over-focusing on every request made to Him. It also goes without saying, that it is not confidence in self that gives hope of answered prayer, but only trust and confidence in the One we are praying to.

“Intercessory prayers are an important responsibility in the believer’s life, where prayers are not simply offered to God for our own needs, but to also help brothers and sisters, deceived and snared by sin. Just as intercessory prayer can save the sick, so can it assist in bringing those who have sinned against God, to regaining fellowship with Him. Ultimately, prayer for other members in the body of Christ, is as essential as praying for our own needs to be met.

“Where then sin has abounded and grown to epic proportions, the grace of God, and the gift of Jesus Christ, surpasses even the abundance of sin committed. Thankfully, the vast amount of sin in the world, is not unpardonable, and can and will be for given through repentance, and Christ sacrificing Himself for sin.

“It is a spiritual reality, and an established truth, that those born of God, neither can, wish, nor desire, to continue in sin. The very nature of God, imparted to those born of Him, prohibits this. What this verse plainly and uniquely teaches, is that true Christians cannot remain living in sin, and if some claim they can, they never were truly born of God.

“Once saved by the Son, a person has crossed over, that great chasm which separates death and life, and as such, it is impossible that his new  standing in heaven, can be taken away. Never again can true saints fall under God’s condemnation and be separated from Him.

“Though these last words of the Apostle seem to take a digression, the truth revealed is that for even those born of God, there remains a danger of unintended idolatry. Idolatry, where personal pursuits, worldly pleasures, and cares of this world, wrongly assume a place in the believer’s heart, reserved only for God and God’s Son. For this reason, care should be taken, and the heart regularly inspected to ensure that nothing assumes the rightful place of God in His children’s heart or life.

“If God and Christ are not fully loved, and highly esteemed over all things, then it should not be thought, that Either are really loved at all. There is no middle ground for the Christian to balance love for God and love for the world—to love not what the flesh desires, but that which the Spirit wills. Thus, if men desire to be saved, then love for God, and the Son of God, must rise above every other carnal and worldly desire in their heart. It is only by doing this that Christ’s first commandment is obeyed, and any form of idolatry abandoned. Simply because, any continuance in sin, is a form of unrighteousness, will prevent entrance into Christ’s coming kingdom.

“It is possible for men to be deceived that they can continue in sin, yet still enter Christ’s kingdom. This is undoubtedly not true, as the simplicity and clearness of this verse cannot be denied. For this reason, continued care and effort should be taken to remove anything in the heart, that rivals God and the new spiritual life gained through belief in God’s Son.”

Broadcast live on 04/23/2023