Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson


Prominent theologian and minister Joseph Benson was born on January 26, 1749, in Melmerby, Cumberland. At an early age Benson was proficient in Greek and Latin. At sixteen he joined John Wesley, a leader of the Methodist church. Later, in 1766 at Kingswood School, Benson was appointed a Master of Classics where he dedicated himself to studying theology and philosophy under the guidance of Wesley. Three years later he was made headmaster at the Trevecca College in Wales, which he later left due to conflicting beliefs with the school becoming Calvinistic. Though Benson had many shifts in ministry and titles, such as editor of the Methodist Magazine, his spiritual legacy lies in his multi-volume Commentary on the New and Old Testaments. Joseph Benson passed onto glory on February 16, 1821, at the age of 72.[1]


[1]  “Joseph Benson.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Apr. 2021,

“Books Available – Benson’s Commentary of the Old and New Testaments – Bible Commentaries.”,