Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry


Matthew Henry was born into a godly home on October 18, 1662, in Wales. By the age of three, Henry developed a passion for books, mainly the Bible. After deciding to pursue theology, he rose sometimes as early as four o’clock in the morning to study. He often studied his day away except for the allotted morning breakfast and worship. Though Henry explained he was always best when alone and that no company was as good company as the book of God, he was rich in friends. Later, when Henry would become a minister in Chester he wrote, “I think I can say with confidence that I do not design to take up the ministry as a trade to live by, or to enrich myself, out of the greediness of filthy lucre. No! I hope I aim at nothing but souls; and if I gain those, though I should lose all my worldly comforts by it, I shall reckon myself to have made a good bargain.” Henry was not settled in making a name for himself, but rather he would “prefer the good word of my Master before the good word of my fellow-servants.” He was invited frequently to speak and lecture. After a visit to Chester in 1713 his health declined, and then a year later he was thrown off his horse but continued to preach at Nantwich where he would succumb to apoplexy the morning after on June 22, 1714. His legacy is still remembered in his six-volume Exposition of the Old and New Testaments or Complete Commentary, which thirteen other ministers completed Romans through Revelation after his death. Then, in 1811, the entire commentary was re-edited. Henry is also remembered for A Communicant’s Companion and Directions for Daily Communion with God.[1]




[1]  Hamilton, James. “Biographical Sketch of the Rev. Matthew Henry.” Christian Biography Resources,

“Matthew Henry (1662-1714) | Reformed Theology at a Puritan’s Mind.” A Puritan’s Mind,

“Matthew Henry.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Nov. 2022,,the%20Old%20and%20New%20Testaments.