Job 34:5-6 “For Job hath said, I am righteous: and God hath taken away my judgment. Should I lie against my right? my wound is incurable without transgression.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth highlights the most foundational and important lessons in life from the oldest book in the Bible, the Book of Job. This sermon, the twelfth in the series on the Book of Job, Elihu Confronts Job, continues to chronicle Elihu’s response to Job: “Whenever we have improper beliefs of our own righteous character, it is wrongly assumed that tragic events in our life are divinely unfair. So that if we lack faith in God’s greater plan for our lives, then all we can see is our present misery. Job’s words contain an absoluteness on two accounts: first, in his own pure righteousness; secondly, in his wound being incurable. Both assumptions were proved wrong by the Lord. For Job was not as righteous as he thought and God did restore his life back to health. Sickness and pain can easily cause men to view themselves as overly pure, and their hope of recovery as potentially unrecoverable. But like with Job, neither of these conclusions will prove true.

“The sin in a man, no doubt, causing him to believe himself, so much more pure than he really is, and because of this, he will often lack the perception to know, that his own heart, life, and actions, are the cause of his misery, and not God.

“Elihu’s argument is thus, if men think they have a right to challenge God in earthly judgments, and/or the trials they might need to endure, then they have completely forgotten that their entire existence, is dependent on God’s grace. Elihu’s position then is, do not question God in smaller judgments, lest a far greater judgment be administered. For if God set His heart upon man, to fully execute judgment for his sins, then God could gather all breath life, and return it solely to God’s own possession. Teaching us that all life is God’s, whether it is flesh life, or spirit life. Even as all life is either extended or shortened, according to God’s will. For He Who first gave man life, can just as easily, if He so wills it, remove it from him.

“It is not man who makes the rules regarding sin, but God. Not man who sets the terms for chastisement, or its duration, but the Lord alone. Not until men realize that God sets the terms for all things, will they then humble themselves sufficiently enough to learn and yield to Him. How often also do men get lost in the lie, that they can set the terms for either salvation, or blessing. The pride of man often assuming that God must meet his terms, and not he, God’s.”

This sermon was preached in the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses series. Other sections of Scriptures highlighted in this sermon: Job 34:5-35.