This sermon from Pastor J.D. Montieth highlights the most foundational and important lessons in life from the oldest book in the Bible, the Book of Job. This sermon, the fourth in the series on the Book of Job, Job and His Three Friends: The Introduction of Eliphaz, introduces the first of Job’s three friends, Eliphaz the Temanite: “Eliphaz begins speaking before the other two, either because he was the most aged, or thought himself the most knowledgeable. Either way, he thinks himself more than able to set Job right. As we  shall see, he is the only one of Job’s friends that God calls out by name and personally labels him for divine correction, later in the book.

“Hence, since Eliphaz placed himself first, by singling himself out as leader of the other two, then God determines that he shall have to also be singled out for personal correction. Eliphaz continues, but notice how all he can do is speak of God, and we sense no power whatsoever that he was sent to speak for God. No doubt here is a man who liked to talk, but had very little to actually say.

“Those thus who say they speak by the Spirit, should be tried. This can be done by observing the sincerity by which men confess Jesus Christ as their Lord. By also if it is a Holy Spirit or not. Hence just because men speak in either God or Christ’s name, does not mean that the Holy Spirit accompanies them when they speak. Even as human reason and religious speculation, are not proof whatsoever of the Holy Spirit’s influence.”

This sermon was preached live at Castle Grace in the At the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses Series. Other sections of Scriptures highlighted in this sermon: Job 4:1-21, James 1:17, Romans 11:33, Job 5:1-27, Job 6:1-30.

Broadcast live from Castle Grace 12/27/2020