Job 9:2 “I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth highlights the most foundational and important lessons in life from the oldest book in the Bible, the Book of Job. This sermon, the seventh in the series on the Book of Job, Job Asks, How Should Man Be Just With God? explores the most important question for man to ask, “How should man be just with God?” and the resulting answer: “No other question is as important as  this one, and it is essential for man to learn its answer if he wants to reach the Lord or learn His way of saving the soul. If men do not have the depth of thought to consider and contemplate how they may be found just before God, it is because they do not really care to be. If God’s Word is not brought to sinners, they will have little to no idea as to the degree that they have sinned against God. This is because sin deceives men about their true condition. It blinds them to how their fleshly and carnal nature offends God. Sin, because of its corrupting influence, deceives man, leads him from the right path and blinds him to his true condition. Man should fear nothing more than the sin that lives within him. Ultimately, self-deception is the greatest deception of all.

“Yes, the world is meant to deceive and lead men deeper into sin, but at the core of the problem is man’s sinful nature. Man’s greatest enemy is himself, and he must look to God to be delivered from his fleshly conceit. Sin also produces a delusional effect on its victims. When coupled with evil spirits, further deception is created. The results are catastrophic. The only force able to cut through the spiritual blindness caused by sin and the evil spirits sent to deceive men is the Word of God. Consequently, the deception sin causes can be removed only when God’s Word is believed.

“Since God’s Word is a spiritual Sword, It can cut to the very core of a man, even unto the thoughts and intents of his heart, where unbelief has made its home. Men should thank God for this because, without the aid of God and His Word to try and test their hearts, sin would deceive them all the way to the grave. Oblivious to their nature leading them to hell, they would follow it until there was no possible way to escape. Therefore, God’s Word is critical to first making known the unbelief that lives in the heart and then to planting seeds of faith in God to replace it. Without the Word of God, it is impossible for any man to see himself properly as a sinner.

“Sinners can be saved from their sin because Christ exists as a Mediator for sin. There is but one Mediator for sin between God and man, and without this Mediator, only God’s wrath awaits sinners. Without Jesus as a Mediator for sin, men would be required to die for it themselves. Ultimately, for men to be found just before God, they need to confess themselves as sinners before God and then lean upon Christ as their Mediator for sin, because it is only when Christ’s ministry for sin is embraced that God’s mercy will be found.”

This sermon was preached in the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses Series. Other sections of Scriptures highlighted in this sermon: Job 9:2, Hebrews 4:11-12, Mark 7:20, Romans 3;10, Job 33:27-28, Luke 18:9-14, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:16-17, Hebrews 7:25.

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