Job 3:1 “After this opened Job his mouth, and cursed his day.”

This sermon from Pastor J.D. Montieth highlights the most foundational and important lessons in life from the oldest book in the Bible, the Book of Job. This sermon, the third in the series on the Book of Job, Job Chapter Three: Job Curses His Day, analyzes Job’s dialogue with himself during his time of affliction and what we can learn from it: “Where previously Job had not sinned with this lips, he would not be able to claim this by the end of the book. Because in chapter 38 the Lord reproves Job for darkening His counsel by uttering words without knowledge. (Job 38:2) Although Job does not directly curse God, he does curse his day. Perhaps un­known to him at this stage of his trial, is that once men begin to curse the circum­stances of their life, then soon reproach upon God will follow. See, where previ­ously Job had praised God, now he begins to despise the day of his birth. How fickle then are we as men whereby where once came praise and worship, now comes bit­terness and cursing.

“So often in trials we are misled to think that we must ourselves find a way out. Yet, the truth is, for every trial, God already has a plan in place, after it has ac­complished its designated purpose. So that in the end it shall not be men’s wis­dom that delivers them, but God’s mercy. As none shall find divine deliverance, un­less by God’s mercy it is brought to them. Whenever then Satan binds us, it must be God’s involvement that delivers us.”

This sermon was preached live at Castle Grace in the At the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses Series. Other sections of Scriptures highlighted in this sermon: Job 3:1-26, James 5:15-16.

Broadcast live from Castle Grace 12/13/2020