Job 12:1-2 “And Job answered and said, No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth highlights the most foundational and important lessons in life from the oldest book in the Bible, the Book of Job. This sermon, the ninth in the series on the Book of Job, Job’s Initial Response to Zophar, illuminates the topic of God’s Sovereignty: “What Job said in sarcasm is not too far removed from what his three friends believed to be true—that their wisdom was rare and, without them, the earth would be devoid of wisdom. They each desired to tell Job what they believed to be the truth of his situation, but in reality, there was absolutely nothing they brought forth that could be deemed  enlightening or spiritually profitable. What Job said in jest was meant as a reproof of men who had far higher opinions of themselves than merited by the superficial wisdom they brought forth. They all spoke at length but helped Job not at all. Though men may speak much, it does not mean that either God or those they think themselves able to reprove will hear them.

“In God’s hand are the soul and breath of every living thing. All is under His overarching control. God can take life away as easily as he gives it. No doubt, what Job knew of Jehovah is what men are woefully ignorant of today, that the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind are in the hands and will of God. All life is solely in accordance with God’s will. It can be either lengthened or shortened if God so desires. The soul that lives in eternity will only do so because God has willed it, just as others souls are forbidden entrance to His kingdom because He never willed it. Though man thinks he can control his destiny, he cannot unless a path is given him through God’s will. If men knew this profound truth, that all life is in God’s hands, then they would hold a much greater and reverential fear of the Lord. He who does not properly fear the Lord and His power and dangerously mocks the eternal truth that all life is governed by Him will, ultimately, face His power. What God wills on earth shall be done. That God controls all life is a truth not known by most men.

“All life comes from God or is taken away by God. Ultimately, God is the final Governor of all who will live or die. No other has a say in the courtroom of life and death, simply because none could ever be found fit for such a critical decision as this. He Who created the heavens and earth determines the fate of every living thing.

“It is not man who seeks and finds out God, but God who calls men who, prior to His call, did not even know His name. The Church also exists because of predestination. In other words, it exists because God determined beforehand that it should. By God’s will are sons of God brought forth.

“Saints are purposed for Heaven because of God’s will. They shall share an eternity with Christ because it is according to God’s will for their lives. All salvation has for its roots predestination. The Lord chooses who will inherit His promises, and then He exercises sufficient power so that all goes as He has determined. No man has ever been saved whom God did not first choose for salvation. His will is the source of all blessing, whether earthly or heavenly. When men enter into promised abundance, we can know that it was the Lord’s own eternal will that initiated that entrance.”

This sermon was preached in the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses series. Other sections of Scriptures highlighted in this sermon: Job 12:1-25, Deuteronomy 32:39, 1 Samuel 2:6, Job 13:1-2, Isaiah 45:1-4.