Titus 2:14 “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth was preached on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022. This sermon, Purposed for Himself, teaches what the purpose of the Lord Jesus is in redeeming His people: “Those whom God sent Jesus to save are purposed by Him to be His own. They were not redeemed so that they might be independent of the Lord Jesus but so that they might be accounted as belonging to Him. This is why all true Christians have relationship with Jesus Christ.

“This is what redemption means. In truth, a man is either completely redeemed by the Son of God or he is not. All means all, and if it did not, then God’s Word would clarify what other sins needed to be dealt with. So great is  Christ’s work in giving Himself for sin that His people have been perfected forever.

“Jesus assures believers that He will not cast out those given to Him by the Father. He will not turn away those whom God has purposed His death on the cross should save. It is certain that if God is drawing a man to believe upon His Son, Jesus will receive and save him according to God’s will. It is also the Father’s will that each and every person purposed for Heaven shall gain it. Jesus will not lose even one.

“Jesus is such a caretaker of those purposed for Himself that no one that God has given Him shall be lost. Once a man’s soul is put in the care of the Son of God, He shall keep and preserve his life until the end of time.

“It is easy to recognize those whom Christ has sanctified and made holy for Himself, as they have a great zeal to live for the One Who died for them. They are not the “frozen chosen,” but rather, enthusiastically desire that the Gospel spread and others be saved by God. For the saved, obeying Christ’s words will not be considered difficult. When imposters are exposed to the strong and emphatic words of the Savior, they will deem them unreasonable. Consequently, those who merely profess Christ’s name will struggle to obey His commandments, while His true people will not.

“Saved people need not rely on just the cross but the entire life of the Son of God. This truth is so much stronger than the idea that only one act of Jesus saves; in fact, it is the entirety of the Lord Jesus’ time on earth that secures the salvation of His people. By both Christ’s life and death are men redeemed from sin and given access to Heaven.”

Broadcast live on 04/17/2022