I Repent in Dust and Ashes

Sermon Series

An Exposition of the book of Job

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Job and His Trial

Chapter 2: Satan’s Assault Against Job’s Life

Chapter 3: Job Curses His Day

Chapter 4: Job and His Three Friends: The Introduction of Eliphaz

Chapter 5: Job’s Initial Response to Eliphaz

Chapter 6: Job and His Three Friends: The Introduction of Bildad

Chapter 7: Job’s Initial Response to Bildad

Chapter 8: Job and His Three Friends: The Introduction of Zophar

Chapter 9: Job’s Initial Response to Zophar

Chapter 10: The Introduction of Elihu

Chapter 11: Elihu Silences Job’s Critics: Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar

Chapter 12: Elihu’s Reproof of Job

Chapter 13: Elihu Readies Job to Hear God’s Correction

Chapter 14: Elihu Addresses Job Speaking Without True Knowledge of God

Chapter 15: Elihu Corrects Job for Speaking Without Wisdom

Chapter 16: Elihu Speaks to Job of God’s Righteousness  

Chapter 17: Elihu Speaks to Job of God’s Greatness  

Chapter 18: God Demads Job Answer Him Concerning Creation  

Chapter 19: God Speaks of the Complexities of Nature to Humble Job  

Chapter 20: Job Is Speechless after God Addresses His Pride  

Chapter 21: Job Repents to God of Uttering Things He Understood Not  

Chapter 22: Job Prays for His three Friends and is Greatly Blessed by the Lord