American Pastor Staff

I Corinthians 12:18-20

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body.

Brett Montieth

Brett Montieth, M.D.

Dr. Brett Montieth is responsible for the high-quality video production of the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses sermon series. Besides production, he is honored to be a member of the Gospel Sharing Team. Brett’s faith has been greatly influenced by his father’s preaching, Pastor J.D. Montieth, as well as John Bunyan’s classic, Pilgrim’s Progress. With a penchant for humorous puns and a fondness for original prints of classic books, Brett’s aura shines wherever he goes. In a pivotal moment in his faith, he realized that he was the “older brother” in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and that he needed Christ’s righteousness more than his own (Philippians 3:9). Brett would later give his life to Christ in college while studying biology and gaining a Master’s Degree in Integrative Genomics. He later became a medical doctor and currently holds the honorary position of Chief Resident Doctor of Psychiatry in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In 2023, Brett recieved the privilege to be elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. This is the only national medical honor society in the world.

Brett Montieth

Dr. Holly O’Dell, Ed.D.

From a young age, Holly felt inspired to help preserve the knowledge of God’s Word. Her selflessness and dedication to Christian ministry have provided invaluable resources for the edification of the Body of Christ. Using her gifts cultivated from being an Advanced English teacher and gaining a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, she is responsible for typing, editing, and designing the layout for In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses books. In addition to her technical contributions, Holly also hosts a Bible study for her fellow educators.

Chase McGinley

Chase McGinley

Chase is a member of the sound production team and is honored to be a member of the Gospel Sharing Team. He also holds the responsibility of working on the American Pastor website. Chase, raised Catholic through high school, later attended college in Wyoming where he became a “Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-32), hell-bent on destroying his life through sin. Upon hitting rock bottom, he returned to Christian ministry, under the guidance of Pastor J.D. Montieth, where the Lord graciously saved him through the preaching of the Gospel. After the Lord saved him, he became a drummer in a Christian worship band, where his love for sound production flourished. In addition to sound production, Chase attends Sioux Falls Seminary, where he is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Divinity. As a result of his college experience, Chase is drawn to sharing the Word of God with students at the University of South Dakota. He is currently building a Bible study for USD students, studying the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses sermon series.

Chase McGinley

Colby McGinley

Colby is the lead editor for the video production of the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses sermon series and is honored to be a member of the Gospel Sharing Team. Colby, a former college football player, left his full-ride sports scholarship to serve the Lord in ministry. After transferring to a university closer to home, he gave his life to Christ. Colby also trained in boxing, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu for several years, transferring the principles he learned of resilience and discipline to “fight the good fight of faith” (I Timothy 6:12). In addition to his ministerial responsibilities, Colby also has a Master’s Degree in Architecture and specializes in commercial design. He holds a position as an Architectural Associate, while studying to become a licensed architect at Architecture Incorporated in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He is currently working alongside Pastor J.D. Montieth and Architecture Incorporated on the design and addition of the 1901 Railroad Church in Harrisburg, South Dakota.

Chase McGinley

Amber Couser

Amber is the lead web designer for the American Pastor website and a member of the multimedia team. She also helps edit the workbooks for the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses sermon series, that will be used for Bible courses. The Lord has gifted her with a creative eye and she has sought to maximize those gifts by gaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, with a minor in Interior Design. While in college she befriended a Christian girl in whom she “saw something that was different” (2 Corinthians 2:15) and immediately knew that she wanted what her friend possessed. She prayed and asked the Lord to surround her with more friends like that, and in God’s abounding faithfulness, He sent her a pastor, a church family, and a ministry to serve in, “exceedingly abundantly more than (she) could ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20-21). She would later move from her hometown to be closer to the ministry in which she has felt called to serve. She has learned that merely being involved in religion is not enough to save a person, but that only through Christ can eternal life be given. Amber’s faith continues to deepen and widen as she uses her skills and creative eye in design to contribute in building Christ’s ministry.

Danielle “April Sunshine” Hertel

Danielle “April Sunshine” Hertel

Danielle holds the responsibility of selecting the worship songs for Sunday morning service and is honored to be a member of the Gospel Sharing team. Alongside those responsibilities, she is a member of the multimedia and book editing team. She has the most nicknames of anyone on the team, referred to as: “Belle, Bella, Bellsy, Dani, D., Dan, April, Yellow Rose of Texas, Sunshine, and more! Danielle has a genuine love for helping people, especially the youth, cope with emotional and behavioral problems. This desire inspired her to obtain her Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and she now works as a Christian counselor. Through counseling, she has come to learn that all mankind, regardless of age, is fallen and broken, and that only Jesus Christ can truly transform hearts, restore lives, and give hope to lost humanity. Believing that her call is to “offer her life as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1), she seeks to continually give more of her life to serve the Lord Jesus in Christian ministry.

Gabriel Steinmeyer

Brock Fehr

Brock serves as the worship leader for Sunday morning services. Raised in a religious household, he felt a longing in his heart that something was amiss as he became discontent with his life. He left his hometown in Montana to attend culinary school in South Dakota and later worked as a chef, where his coworker invited him to church. By consistently hearing the Gospel preached, he gave his life to Christ and found the purpose and meaning in life that he had been searching for. Brock brings with him a humble heart that is continuing to grow in its desire to serve the Body of Christ. In addition to his duties as a worship leader, he also loves to cook for others, using his talents and experiences from attending culinary school and working as a former professional chef.

Gabriel Steinmeyer

Jacee Yoshida

Jacee is a member of the multimedia team, specializing in photography, and is honored to be a member of the Gospel Sharing team. She has a love for music, dabbling in playing guitar and piano, along with singing Christian songs and worshiping the Lord. For Jacee, growing up in a broken home wasn’t always pleasant, and she found that often her only refuge was attending church with friends. She loved attending summer Bible camp and, while in high school, that is where she gave her life to Christ. After graduating she sought to deepen her faith in and love for her Lord by attending Bible College in Minnesota. After college the Lord led her to move back near her hometown, but not until she trusted the Lord and “went out, not knowing whither she went” (Hebrews 11:8), did He provide for her the ministry that she was purposed to be a part of, the family she always wanted. Jacee carries with her a caring heart that prompted her to become a cardiac nurse in a specialized Critical Care Unit. She brings joy and a welcoming spirit to all her patients and the world around her. There is hardly a believer purer in the faith than Jacee.

Danielle “April Sunshine” Hertel

Jacob “Jack Diesel” Grass

Jake is truly a “Jack-of-all-trades,” responsible for setting up and operating nearly every piece of equipment for the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses studio recordings and for Sunday morning services. From setting up cameras, lighting, and the sound system to clearing sidewalks of snow and mowing the lawn, he is always seeking to make his surroundings “more excellent”. Jack loves to listen to music and sermons, and fittingly, he is currently in the process of acquiring a Doctorate in Audiology. He desires to help restore hearing to those that have lost it, allowing them to hear the Word of God. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).

Danielle “April Sunshine” Hertel

Melinda Grass

Melinda is arguably the toughest worker on the ministerial team. She is responsible for helping set up cameras, sound, and lighting for the live recordings of the In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses and Sunday morning services. She continually seeks to “lose her life” (Luke 9:24) to Christ and His will for her. She has been inspired by Psalm 37:4 to seek after the Lord to gain what she truly desires, the Lord. (“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”). Melinda always brings a servant’s heart with her, seeking to do the Lord’s will joyfully and cheerfully in whatever endeavor she is involved in. In her free time, Melinda enjoys show equestrian jumping.