1 Thessalonians 3:9 “For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God;”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians in a series titled The Word of the Lord. This sermon, the eighth in the series, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-4:6 touches on several topics, emphasizing the importance of love in the Christian life: “If men do not possess God’s love, then we know that they are not yet Christian and still abide in death. The Son of God also, because He both sees and searches the hearts of men, knows where genuine love exists and where it does not. Thus, though men may deceive other men in regard to whether they sincerely love or not, they cannot deceive Christ.”

“Consider as well that if a man lacks love and/or charity in his heart and life, his entire religion (and even himself, though perhaps viewed as acceptable in the world) is accounted by God to be nothing.

“It is love that tends toward holiness, and holiness that shall prevent a man from trembling when exposed to God’s wrath at the day of judgment. All then who love both God and God’s people have no reason to fear in the day of judgment.

“True piety demands that men do more than simply hear God’s word but also walk obediently in it. It is the walk of the Christian and not simply what he has heard that produces a life pleasing to God. Hearing by itself means nothing if the word heard is not obeyed. Hence, it is not simply a man’s faith that pleases God but his walk, whereby the sincerity of his faith is proven.

“If a man desires a true place in heaven, he must pursue holiness and sanctification while on this earth. What a man does in his body directly affects his sanctification.

“There is a way in which a man controls his body that tends towards sanctification and honor. This is when it is not carnal lusts that govern his behavior but the Holy Spirit. Whatever nature also rules men, whether it be their flesh or their spirit, reveals the nature they are subject to. Suffice to say that if it is the flesh that leads sinners, and especially so sexually, then it is the flesh also that controls them. Practically speaking, if the body has no constraints and is allowed to satisfy itself as it wants, then it is impossible that any true divinity or holiness is walked in. It goes without saying that those who live in sin cannot be saved by God.

“When men know not God, they pursue things only of the flesh. If they continue in these sins, they will assure themselves that they will never see God nor gain entrance into heaven. Without Christ cleansing the sinner, the door to heaven would remain locked to all men. Sin is against God’s nature; thus, none should willfully commit it and think that an eternal place with God will be found.”

Broadcast live on 06/12/2022