1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians in a series titled The Word of the Lord. This sermon, the eleventh in the series, 1 Thessalonians 4:17-5:5 explores what the believer’s end is  when Christ returns: “Those who have believed upon Christ, will at Christ’s return, be raised to meet Christ. The reward of their faith, then will be, sight of their Savior. The manner in which saints will be caught up to meet Christ in the air is first seen in Enoch, whom the scriptures state, walked with God before God took him.

“Ultimately, the unity that was established on earth between Christ and His people will reach its purposed end, when both the living and the dead, are eternally joined to the Savior. Some have speculated that one of the reasons that the saved will join Christ in the air, is that the earth could not contain such a great number of redeemed saints  for such occasions as the church’s final salvation, and the judgment of God.

“Man, as we know him today in his fallen state, has lost the right to rule or be given stewardship over anything; therefore a new race of men, created in the image and likeness of the Son of God will replace him. This people, because of having new hearts created in them by God, shall forever remain loyal to God, faithfully keeping God’s laws and commandments. Having already then been given new hearts, Christ shall complete His people’s salvation by providing for them new spiritual bodies.

“When then men do not respect or have a high regard for that which is holy, they prove themselves ripe for judgment. The two greatest sins in man, absent blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, are unbelief and ungodliness. These sins are committed directly against a holy God and as such are worthy of divine judgment. The Day of the Lord will demonstrate and prove how distasteful the Lord finds the pride and the insolence of man to be.

“Once raptured by the Son of God, the saved shall never again be separate from Him. It is common today in those who possess the Spirit, that any separation from the God, no matter how brief, causes pain to the soul. Whether it is because of personal sin, or simply the trials of life, there is nothing that disturbs and causes inner consternation more than when spiritual fellowship with our heavenly Father and Savior is damaged. This is why once the believer is joined to the Lord Jesus, all such fear will be eternally removed. Our spiritual hearts will be at peace, simply because of our close proximity to the Lord of peace. In God’s presence is fullness of joy, and this joy will be exceedingly felt in the saved, once they join their Savior in heaven.

“The day of the Lord is that day when Jesus Christ will be openly manifested to the world. It is stated that Jesus’ return and appearance to the world will cause many to wail. This wailing is directly related to those who have rejected God’s sovereignty, and have become aware that divine judgment is ready to be revealed upon them. All the previous rejoicing of sinners will cease, once then they realize that God’s authority has returned to rule the world. What a contrast this is, to when Jesus was crucified, and His followers mourned and wept for His absence. The complete opposite scene is described here, for now it is sinners who cry because righteousness has come.

“Sinners have foolishly surmised that they could reject living under divine rule, as well as evade any future judgment for doing so. This human reasoning will be proven demonstrably wrong. It is a predominant characteristic of the ungodly, that they wrongly estimate the danger of sin, as well as God’s final judgment for it.”

Broadcast live on 07/31/2022