1 Thessalonians 5:6 “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians in a series titled The Word of the Lord. This sermon, the twelfth in the series, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-19 teaches of those who “sleep in the night” and are completely unaware of Christ’s second coming: “When men are asleep to the spiritual realm, they cannot perceive, and are not aware of either the opportunity for salvation, or future judgment for sin. The opposite of sleep is when a man is alert and watching to both hear God’s voice and avoid the danger of not obeying divine commandments. A watchful man, biblically speaking, is one who is looking to fully do God’s will in his life, while also preparing for God’s Son’s return to the earth.

“In seeking to destroy men’s lives, the devil does all he can to intoxicate the unsuspecting through leading them towards sin, which will produce spiritual slumber in any who engage in it. Sin therefore will, if lived in and maintained, completely separate a man from any true awareness of God and God’s judgment for sin.

“Man, in his fallen state, is at war with the Lord, and the Lord with him. Thus, it is only when faith in God is desired and held, that men prove themselves as willing to come under God’s government. For no man will seek to believe, if he has not first determined within himself, that he will yield to the One he is seeking to believe in.

“There is no greater evidence of purity of religion, than when divine love is manifested in Christians. It is this that proves their relationship with God as sincere, and their affection for Him as genuine.

“True ministers are spiritual gifts provided to the church by Christ. Because Christ has given these spiritual ministries to the church, it is a great affront to His own spiritual authority if their divine positions are not properly respected. To be under Christ’s rule requires that men freely become subject to not only Jesus’ words and His Spirit, but also, as evidenced here, to those ministers whom He has placed in the church for the church’s growth and spiritual development. Without also these gift ministries being placed by the Son over His people, believers would be tossed to and fro, and carried about with every false and misleading doctrine meant to deceive the elect.

“When children are young, they are most vulnerable to deception. This is especially so concerning those who, though born of God, remain young because of spiritual immaturity. And like a toddler that will place virtually anything in his mouth, even if it is dangerous to him, so can new believers, because of their lack of spiritual perception, be easily deceived to receive false doctrines purposed to do them spiritual harm. Consider as well that, just as there are true ministers in Christ’s church, so also are there an equal amount, if not more, men sent by Satan to deceive the elect. Their devilish aim is to not only bring disgrace to the gospel, but also by teaching falsities, to lead people away from true religion, and a proper understanding of the Son of God.”

“All recompense for sin must be left to the Lord Who alone has sufficient wisdom to justly exercise it. Ultimately, it is God, Who will manifest Himself as His people’s avenger, and not they who should take this responsibility upon themselves. There is but One power and authority in the world, and no man has the right to believe himself equipped to do what is solely the right of God.

“The Lord is good beyond all measure, and none know this more than those whom He has saved and made His own. The reason also that Christian are instructed to rejoice evermore, is because there is no time in the future that there will be any just causes not to rejoice. We have been given life eternal, and because of this, we will have even more reason in the ages to come, to rejoice evermore.

“Prayer is that quality which reveals dependence upon God, and thankfulness to Him. If a man has a genuine relationship with the Lord, this will manifest itself in prayer without ceasing. Ultimately, prayer is the means, whether it is rendered for thanks, for seeking direction, or for asking for forgiveness, that believers reveal their great affection and dependence upon their Savior. He, who prays knows he needs the Lord, and cannot do anything successfully without Him.

“It is common that men wish to think of God as they desire Him to be, and not as He really is. Thus, if a man does not wish to believe in certain qualities of the Lord, like the reality that God is as a consuming fire, then he will throw out clear revelation concerning the true nature of God, and believe of the Lord only what he chooses. It was in a burning bush that God first revealed Himself to Moses. Mount Sinai it is said was both wrapped and covered with smoke, when the Lord descended upon it, in the form of fire, when also the whole mountain trembled violently. God also led Israel, through His presence being manifested in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. When David received his vision of the ancient of days, the Lord sat upon a throne ablaze with flames, and its wheels were a burning fire. When also the Lord spoke to Israel on Mt. Sinai, He spoke from the midst of a fire. Psalms speaks of the Lord as having fire devouring all before Him, with also a stormy tempestuous around Him. In the New Testament, it was revealed that the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were in the temple at Jerusalem, obeying Christ’s command to wait for the promise of the Father that the scriptures state that the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of cloven tongues as of fire. Christ has also said that He will try every man’s work with fire, to examine it, to determine if it will pass His test for holiness and sincerity. Fire is thus often used to denote the presence of the Lord, and if necessary, both His anger and judgment for sin. Lastly, Jesus Christ, your Savior and mine, in the vision John received from Him is said to have eyes as a flame of fire. Revealing the spiritual power that lies within Him, that all men should wisely fear and reverence.”

Broadcast live on 08/14/2022