2 Thessalonians 1:1 “Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians in a series titled The Word of the Lord. This sermon, the fourteenth in the series, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, highlights the introduction to the second epistle written to the Thessalonians:

“Paul’s second epistle to the Thessalonians begins, much like the first one, by reminding these early believers of the grace and peace sent to them by God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is God’s purpose in calling sinners to Himself through the redemptive work of Christ, that both His grace and peace might be given to men where previously they deserved only wrath and judgment.

Grace is that kind disposition of God that desires good for the sinner and not evil. It is the Greek word #5485, charis. Strong’s Concordance defines it as “grace, kindness.” HELPS Word-studies states, “5485 (xáris) is preeminently used of the Lord’s favor – freely extended to give Himself away to people (because He is ‘always leaning toward them’).” It is because of God’s grace, His kind disposition towards man, that when men sin against Him, if they sincerely repent for their sins, they can be forgiven. Informing us that it is God’s will that no man die for the sin nature he was born in. That God is both willing and able to forgive the penitent is seen in His sending His Son to die for sin. It is also solely through the Lord’s grace that any are saved, or can be. For if there was not grace, there could be no true salvation.

It is faith and love sprouting in people’s lives, that proves true spiritual growth and genuine godly advancement. By possessing faith and love, this proves that men are walking in God’s will in their lives. There is also no such thing as true spiritual development, which has not the increase of these two fruits of the Spirit. Hence, where knowledge, even if it is biblical, is not an accurate measure of either God’s salvation or spiritual growth, manifesting the fruits of the Holy Spirit given by Christ to the saved, surely is.

Ultimately, at the base of any true walk with God, is a sincere and honest trust in God. Hence, if a man does not trust the Lord when in trial, then we know, that very little true faith in God exists. Understandably, faith can do so much more for the human heart, than a room full of biblical knowledge ever could. Since it is not knowledge that allows men to endure both religious persecution and worldly trial, but rather only a genuine and sincere trust in God’s ability to deliver them.

All fathers maintain a right to defend their own, and our heavenly Father is no different. It is thus right in heaven’s eye to recompense tribulation to those who persecute God’s saints. What men sow they shall also reap; therefore, those who trouble and bring consternation upon the beloved, will have trouble and tribulations, recompensed to them.

The object of Christ’s vengeance will be those who have rejected His rule. It is not a small thing to set at naught the good news brought by the Son of God, purposed to save the sinner. Not a small transgression to choose disobedience to
He, whom God has purposed should rule the world. Undoubtedly, most do not consider it a great offense to reject the gospel. Nor do the spiritually blind consider it as worthy of judgment, if they do not obey Christ’s words. Yet, the scripture is clear, what the results shall be for any who have counted the blood of the covenant, and new testament of Christ, an unholy and unattractive thing.

Paul’s prayer is that such faith that had begun in the Thessalonians when they believed the gospel, would continue to grow in order that, first they might be found worthy of their heavenly calling, and secondly that this advancement of faith and obedience to God’s Word, might allow them to receive all the good that God had purposed for their lives. In short, Paul prayed that what God had begun by exercising His power to produce faith in the Thessalonians, might be finished, resulting in all God’s good pleasure purposed for them, being able to be fulfilled.”

Broadcast live on 10/16/2022