2 Thessalonians 2:10 “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

This sermon from American Pastor J.D. Montieth explores Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonians in a series titled The Word of the Lord. This sermon, the sixteenth in the series, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-3:5, highlights the importance of having a love for the truth: “When men do not love truth and count it as their greatest joy, they place themselves in a position fertile for deception. Ultimately, it is the engrafted Word that saves a man’s soul and the kept Word that keeps him from sinning against God. Both will only be accomplished when men love the truth, without which they can easily be deceived. Hence, at the core of all apostasy is the reality that those who apostatized held no real affection for the truth, which itself reveals no real affection for God and the holiness contained in His divine nature.

“When a deep and affectionate love for truth is absent, all that is left for men to have affection for, is sin. What people love directly affects what they believe. This is why a man’s appetites will eventually determine his destiny. The heart and what it cherishes most, whether God or the world, greatly determines what is believed. So, if sin is embraced and not God, it is impossible to escape deception. Observe as well that love for truth is directly linked to love for God. Therefore, when men cease to love the truth, it sends a very clear message that love for self, sin, and the world is preferred above God.

“In comforting contrast to those who will be damned because of their affection for sin, the apostle now turns to what God has purposed for the Thessalonians, who had exhibited a belief and love for the gospel. Whereas damnation awaits the deceived, salvation and sanctification await those who choose Christ.

“Jesus Christ now possesses a glory, and those who have believed upon Him will share in it. Hence, as dark and dreary as the apostasy and the man of sin’s rise to power will be, equally as brilliant will be the glory of the Son of God and the spiritual glory He will give to those saved by Him.

“Whenever we think of heaven and life beyond this earthly abode, we should think of it as God describes it and not as we might be misled to believe it will be. Thus, it is not simply that a man will enter a land of heavenly bliss, but rather that those called by Christ shall obtain and share in the glory of Jesus Christ. Saints, therefore, shall possess a portion of the Son of God’s celestial glory. This is the true hope of the gospel, and it provides great spiritual encouragement when believed.

“Concerning prayer, there lies a very important truth; it is that whatever a man believes is his greatest strength is what he will lean on when setting about to do a work. Hence, if men believe that it is through their own power and ability that the gospel is advanced and believed in, it is to themselves that they will turn to for strength. A man’s prayer life, therefore, or perhaps a lack of it, reveals the true source of his confidence.

“As much as God is love and light, He is also faithful. This is seen in His faithfulness to uphold His promises, provide forgiveness for sin, and receive those called to heaven through His Son. The Lord is faithful, and this shall be proven when He establishes His saints, and keeps them from evil. How a man views God also directly affects his confidence in Him. Hence, if he does not believe that God is faithful, it will be difficult for him to gain and maintain consistent trust in the Lord. Consequently, at the foundation of any true walk with God, is held a firm belief in God’s faithfulness.

“Love is the divine quality that, when manifested in Christians, reveals their true knowledge of God and the higher spiritual realm. Ultimately, all who are truly born of God through the Spirit will manifest a deep love for not only their Savior but those born of Him. This is something a merely religious man can never possess. Ultimately, divine love is that spiritual fruit that confirms true relationship with God. For those who dwell in love, dwell in God, and He in them. Hence, whenever divine love is present, we can know that that person indeed has fellowship with the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus with him.”

Broadcast live on 11/13/2022